Friday 22 July 2016

Plantain Goodness with Ounjealadun: Plantain Sandwich

Hey Gang!

Just because its Fryday and we're supposed to be frying plantain today, (plantain lifestyle) we will be bringing you interesting plantain recipes by our good friend, Omolabake of Ounjealadun every Friday so that you guys can be more experimental with your plantain and not get bored with only frying! Thank God its Fryday and most of us have the weekend to relax, we will be bringing you these recipes hoping that you will find time over the weekend to try them and give us feedback. So, let's start this week with the Plantain Sandwich!

I used to think I loved plantain until I met Le Hubs, his next best food asides beans is plantain, one food you’d always find in my store is a bunch of ripe plantains, hence the need to always find ingenious ways to  make plantain, this is one of his favorites aside the plantain waffle
Now this is so easy to make:

Ripe plantain
Sautéed Bacon slices
Slices of tomatoes
Low cholesterol oil (olive or sunflower would be great)

Cut plantain length wise into 2 or 3 strips.
Fry slightly in oil and take out the plantain strips.
Flatten the plantain using a Tostonera or simple household items e.g a ladle or rolling pin, I used the flat side of an Ice breaker to smack the plantain flat.
Return into the oil and finish frying. Lay on paper towels to absorb the oil.

Now assemble. Plantain base, some lettuce, tomatoes, Omelette, a plantain slice , some lettuce, bacon slice and cover with plantain slice.

You can cut them up into very pretty bite sized pieces like this and serve them as finger food when hosting guests
Bite Size Plantain Sandwiches 

Our guest writer, Omolabake Bode - Matthew is unscripted , a lawyer turned virgin cocktail and fruit juice expert and she'd charge you to see her skills. To relax, she cooks, she loves to play with food, that she can share with you for free.

You can find her sharing her food therapies:
Instagram: @ounjealadun

Ounjealadun is #DodoGangEndorsed

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