Just because we love you goiz almost as much as we love fried plantain, we've created a BBM Channel to improve our interactions. On this platform, we'd be posting a lot of things we don't normally post on other traditional platforms and we're excited about this. It's a whole new experience. This is our baby! We'd be posting exclusives from the brand and want to listen to your thoughts and views on them. Pictures of limited edition Dodo Gang wears, posts about plantain-involved meals and more. You can even advertise on the channel too. Chat with a gang member and more. Chale, its a whole new experience in its own and you wouldn't want to miss out on it. Come experience the plantain lifestyle brand on a platform like never before. Just subscribe and watch us brighten up your days, just like plantain does to every meal. The Channel pin is: C00158373 Let's have fun and stick together, all of us, plantain lovers.
Kindly scan the barcode below to subscribe
Happy Weekend Goiz!